China's first blue book on Social responsibility of the steel industry, Blue Book on Social Responsibility of the Steel Industry (2022), was officially released

On November 20, He Wenbo, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of China Iron and Steel Association, Zhang Tao, former director of the Party Construction Bureau and Working Bureau of the SASAC Industry Association of The State Council, Tang Zujun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China Iron and Steel Association, Yang Wenqin, researcher of Responsibility Cloud Research Institute, represented Zhong Hongwu, professor of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Secretary-General of the China 100 Forum for Social Responsibility. China's first blue book on Social responsibility of the steel industry, Blue Book on Social Responsibility of the Steel Industry (2022), was jointly released in Beijing. The Steel Association Party Committee Standing Committee, vice president and Secretary General Qu Xiuli presided over the press conference.

The press conference of the Blue Book was co-sponsored by the Steel Association and the Responsibility-Cloud Research Institute, and hosted by the China Social Responsibility 100 Forum, with the theme of "Practicing responsibility forms the backbone of steel". It was held in the form of "offline + online". Wang Dechun, Deputy Secretary-General of the Steel Association, Feng Chao, Party Secretary and Director of the Economic Development Research Center of the Metallurgical Industry, Xiong Yuping, Vice president of the Metallurgical News Agency of China, and representatives from steel enterprises and related units attended the press conference.

"This is the first time to study and record the development and practice, progress and results of the fulfillment of social responsibility from the perspective of the industry, which has very important and pioneering significance." In his speech, He Wenbo pointed out that the Blue Book not only fully records the major historical responsibilities of the steel industry, such as implementing the major national strategic deployment, actively meeting the needs of economic construction, serving the people's livelihood, improving the ecological environment and fighting poverty, but also describes the enterprises actively exploring and practicing the corporate responsibility mode with Chinese characteristics and a series of achievements.

According to He Wenbo, Chinese steel enterprises in the social responsibility work management in the forefront of The Times. According to the research, nearly 9 steel enterprises have or plan to formulate the "14th Five-Year plan" for social responsibility, 89% of the member enterprises through multiple ways to manage the social responsibility of the key issues, 96% of the steel enterprises will be "out of their own sustainable development" as the main driving force to carry out social responsibility work, nearly 9 steel enterprises actively promote their subsidiaries, especially listed companies to fulfill social responsibility.

Zhang Tao spoke highly of the new development, new look and new achievements in the construction of social responsibility in the steel industry. He believed that the release of the Blue Book can effectively promote the formation of a consensus on social responsibility in the industry, promote the self-improvement of enterprises, self-discipline of the industry, government support and social cooperation. It is not only for improving the overall development quality of the steel industry, but also for supporting the improvement of national governance. Both have important practical significance and long-term historical significance.

Yang Wenqin interprets the Blue Book for Zhong Hongwu. She said that the compilation of the Blue Book was officially launched on July 6 this year and has gone through five stages: project launch, questionnaire survey, case collection, case review and completion of the book. The Blue Book is divided into two parts: the general paper and the case paper. Among them, the general paper systematically combs and analyzes the form requirements, practice progress and social responsibility management and exploration of the steel industry, and clarifies the direction and focus of the future responsibility of steel enterprises. The case paper includes 20 excellent cases of iron and steel enterprises, which provides valuable experience for the steel industry and enterprises to explore and deepen the fulfillment of social responsibilities.

At the conference, Chu Shaoguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chief Executive Officer of Jianlong Group, Li Yiren, Deputy general manager of Hesteel Group, Wang Fang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Nangang, Wang Danyun, director of the Corporate Culture Department of China Baowu Party Committee, introduced the achievements and experiences of their enterprises in fulfilling their social responsibilities through video.

The press conference also showed the excellent cases of China Baowu, Anshan Iron and Steel Group, He Steel Group, Hunan Iron and Steel Group, Baotou Steel Group, Delong Iron and Steel Group, China Steel Research Institute, Jianlong Group, Nanjing Iron and Steel, Ningbo Iron and Steel.