He Wenbo: Promote the high quality development of the steel industry with the standardization of the steel industry!

"The standardization of the iron and steel industry is guided by innovation and targeted at the development needs of the service industry, which has strongly supported the high-quality development of the industry and achieved remarkable results." When He Wenbo attended the annual meeting of the three Standard Committees and the First China Steel Industry Standardization Forum, He affirmed the achievements of the industry standardization work and put forward higher requirements, "push forward, and then undertake the mission to fully support the high-quality development of the steel industry".

On November 11, the 2022 Annual meeting of the National Steel, Iron Ore and Direct Reduced Iron, pig Iron and ferroalloy Standardization Technical Committee and the first China Iron and Steel Standardization Forum were held in Haining, Zhejiang Province, under the guidance of China Iron and Steel Association, sponsored by the Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute and hosted by the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee. He Wenbo, Party Secretary and Executive President of China Iron and Steel Association attended the meeting and made an important speech.

The standardization of the iron and steel industry has achieved remarkable results

He Wenbo pointed out that in recent years, the standardization of the iron and steel industry to innovation as traction, to serve the needs of the development of the industry as the goal, strong support for the high-quality development of the industry, the work has achieved remarkable results.

First, we implemented the National Program for Standardization Development and focused on building a new standard system for high-quality development. In the past two years, the National Steel Standards Committee, as the Standardization Administration's first batch of pilot standards committee, has carried out the optimization of the national steel standard system and the construction of the "14th Five-Year Plan" standard system. According to the principle of six batches, the original standard system has been comprehensively sorted out and optimized, focusing on the construction of a reasonable structure, dynamic balance, connection and supporting new steel industry standard system.

The second is to achieve the "quality" and "quantity" of the improvement, better service industry development. The National Standardization Technical Committee of Steel, iron ore and Ferroalloy focuses on the hot and difficult issues that restrict the high-quality development of the industry, and serves the technical progress of the industry by improving the standard level. At present, the number of standardization items of the three standardization technical committees has increased to more than 3,400, covering the whole process of the steel industry, including basic general purpose, products, methods and management.

Third, we will boost high-tech innovation and promote the interactive development of standardization and technological innovation. In the past two years, the steel industry has actively implemented the requirements of "upgrading standards through scientific and technological innovation", translated more independent innovation achievements and core and key technologies into standards, and completed the formulation of a number of key standards, such as Structural Steel for Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering, to meet the needs of major equipment and major projects and serve the innovation and development of the steel industry.

Fourth, based on the "double carbon" goal, improve the standard guarantee of green development. In the past two years, the iron and steel industry has completed and issued more than 100 important standards, including the Technical Specifications for Energy Conservation Supervision of the Iron and Steel Industry. It has promoted the formulation of standards for green parks in the steel industry, green supply chains for steel enterprises, and evaluation of low-carbon enterprises. The Guidelines for the Construction of a Low-carbon Standard System for the Steel Industry have been compiled and completed. In addition, a working group has been set up under the National Steel Standards Committee to comprehensively improve the organizational guarantee for the standardization of the green development of the industry.

Fifth, we will improve the standard system for intelligent manufacturing and promote the transformation of the industry from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing". In the past two years, the iron and steel industry has formed a relatively complete construction plan of the Intelligent Manufacturing Standard System for the Iron and Steel Industry based on a series of work such as research, selection and verification, standard compilation and pilot application of intelligent manufacturing technology, and launched the application and development of national, bank and group targets, which has effectively promoted the implementation of excellent intelligent manufacturing projects in the steel industry and enabled the high-quality development of the steel industry.

Sixth, new breakthroughs have been made in international standardization work, contributing Chinese wisdom to the global steel industry. In the past two years, 7 experts in the steel industry have won the "ISO Outstanding Contribution Award", accounting for 47% of the national number of winners. They have assumed the new position of chairman of ISO/TC17/SC12, led the release of 22 international standards, and added 40 international standard proposals, contributing Chinese wisdom and solutions to the world's steel.

Seventh, we will actively promote the development of organization standards and optimize the supply structure of standards. In the past two years, it has completed and released more than 100 group standards of China Iron and Steel Association and Zhongguancun Material Testing Alliance, among which a number of group standard projects of China Iron and Steel Association (series), such as HRB600E Anti-seismic Hot rolled ribbed Steel Bar for Reinforced Concrete, have been successfully selected into 100 group standard application demonstration projects of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Eighth, we will strengthen the implementation and application of standards and give full play to their leading role. The implementation of standards is important. In the past two years, the iron and steel industry has organized more than 20 online and offline standard promotion meetings, seminars, technical exchanges, cloud classes and training sessions, with a total of about 3,000 people attending the meetings and achieving remarkable results.

Push forward, and then undertake the mission to fully support the high-quality development of the steel industry

He Wenbo in a comprehensive summary of the standardization of the steel industry achievements at the same time, the future standardization work put forward higher requirements:

First, constantly improve the new standard system, leading the development of the industry. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council, we will actively explore and act quickly to optimize and restructure the steel standard system, promote the linkage of upstream and downstream standards, and promote industrial collaboration with a high sense of responsibility and mission. Accelerate the pace of technological innovation and promote the transformation of innovation achievements into technical standards; We will continue to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, strive to build a green, low-carbon and sustainable steel industry standard system, and accelerate the building of a strong steel country.

Second, always adhere to the service as the purpose of unwavering. The standardization of the iron and steel industry should focus on the national requirements, cooperate with the needs of the industry and respond to the demands of enterprises; To gather the forefront of science and technology, assist high technology innovation, with standard innovation to win the initiative, win the future; We should focus on green, low-carbon, intelligent and other fields to lead the development of the industry. Let the standard become the "hard constraint" of high quality, let the quality become the "new card" of high standard, to stimulate the vitality of standard innovation, promote transformation and upgrading, and lead the development of the steel industry.

Third, we will further raise the level of standardization and opening-up. International standards are the "passport" to participate in international competition and cooperation. The internationalization of steel standards has gradually realized the working situation from the following to the running and even to the leading of individual fields. In the future, the steel industry should continue to deepen international exchanges and cooperation, promote the coordinated development of domestic and international standardization, and continue to promote the internationalization process of Chinese standards and enhance the influence of Chinese standards while actively adopting international standards.

Fourth, we will strengthen the ranks of standardized professionals and lay a solid foundation for high-quality development. Talent is the basis for making China a standard country. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of standardized talent team in the steel industry, further cultivate and establish multi-level high-level talent echelons, so that talents can lead the high-quality development of the industry, improve the professional level of service and achieve new leap-forward.