Xinda education staff training acceptance successfully completed! Young talent "like a duck to water"!

In order to implement the "Five-Five-Year strategy development three-step plan" of Hebei Xinda Group, create a talent echelon supporting industrial development and intelligent manufacturing, and promote the group's green and high-quality development in depth, in recent years, the group has successively introduced more than 800 educated employees to inject fresh blood into the development of the enterprise.

Recently, the Human Resources Department of the Group's Production and Operation Management Center organized the seventh and eighth batches of educated staff training and acceptance work. Two years of growth practice is fleeting. After three stages of learning and practice, including pre-job training period, investigation and training period, and job-fixed training period, they are refined and precipitated in their respective positions. 57 employees with educational background have the moment to report their growth report in the past two years.

The training and acceptance of staff with educational background is mainly carried out by theoretical examination and interview defense, supplemented by daily evaluation and performance. No pains, no gains. Training and acceptance is the test of learning and growth of educated employees. In the theoretical examination, they are calm and confident, and their two years' learning results are outstanding in the examination paper, which also shows the unremitting efforts and efforts of the staff with educational background in the practical work.

The question-and-answer session, the education staff answer up, and on their own responsibility cognition, the problems existing in the work, and the next step work plans are further breakthroughs and innovation, and to take the initiative to find their own shortcomings, to actively seek the method to solve the problem, improve the efficiency and the ability to work, made a specific plan for personal career development.

Cultivation of talents

In recent years, the Group has always attached great importance to the construction of talent engineering, and the personnel training as the development strategy of the enterprise to deploy. Externally, the Group attracts high-level technical personnel, high-level management personnel and highly educated reserve personnel. Internally, the group selects reserve cadres, organizes systematic training of various specialties and carries out technical competitions to continuously improve the comprehensive quality of employees. Elite classes, staff colleges, middle and grassroots reserve cadre training programs and various kinds of employee training emerge in an endless stream, building a growth platform for employees, comprehensively improving team quality, and supporting the long-term development of the enterprise. In order to better cultivate and introduce talents, the Group promotes the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents, and carries out school-enterprise cooperation with Qian 'an College of North China University of Science and Technology, Changchun Institute of Humanities and other institutions. Through frequent exchanges between the two sides, combined with the needs of enterprises, schools and students, the group constantly improves the quality of talent cultivation and promotes specialized talents from colleges and universities to enter the enterprise.

Under the deployment of the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents, the group bases on the professional construction and trains talents scientifically at different levels and categories. In recent years, the Group has formed a talent training ecological chain of "recruitment of key universities + school-enterprise joint training + reserve talent echelon construction", and the talent echelon construction has become increasingly scientific and mature. Educated staff is one of the important ways for enterprises to cultivate and retain talents. Carrying out the training and acceptance of educated staff helps enterprises retain talents, select outstanding talents and optimize the talent team.

Employees are the unrepeatable competitiveness of enterprises. The "knowledge-based, skilled and innovative" talent team is the key to the transformation of high-quality development, the foundation of competition and the source of power. Human resources office group production operation management center from group talent thriving enterprise strategy, adhering to the enterprise personnel high quality development goals, set two years for education staff training plan, organize regular monthly seminars, events, etc., to create "have ideal will keep faith and understand technology innovation, dare to bear devotion" academic staff.

In order to institutionalize, standardize and streamline the training of employees with educational background, the management measures for employees with educational background are formulated to target the training of high-quality talents of the Group. A separate salary system; During the training period, the human resources department (department) of each company will make the training plan on a quarterly basis to timely understand the ideological dynamics and learning and growth status of the educated employees. Each employer provides one-to-one training and help for employees with educational background to promote their growth; Establish fair competition mechanism, sort out the promotion channel, and provide system guarantee for the growth of educated employees.

Many people, is a great cause; Talent is rising, enterprise operation Fang Xing. Human capital is the only driving force for enterprises to break the development bottleneck and realize sustainable development. In the critical period of enterprise transformation and development, we must achieve new breakthroughs in the key element of "people" with strategic thinking and forward-looking vision, cultivate talent highland, and gather the boundless power of high-quality development.

In the future, the Group will continue to optimize the growth environment for talents, cultivate the soil for talent development, break the growth fetters, let outstanding talents take the lead, play the leading role, get more opportunities for training and growth, improve the sense of belonging of talents and improve the quality of service for talents. We will continue to create a "soft environment" for talent development, improve the quality and efficiency of talent services in multiple ways and dimensions, and create a "strong magnetic field" for talent gathering, so that talents will come from near and far. Transform the enterprise's talent advantage into innovation advantage, competitive advantage and development advantage, and provide strong talent guarantee for building a century-strong enterprise!