Hebei Xinda group donated 7,000 sets of red books to 11 colleges and 6 towns!

On the occasion of the National Day holiday and the celebration of the party's 20th National Congress, the Party Committee of Hebei Xindar Group organized a red book donation campaign. The donated books were selected, recommended and purchased uniformly by the leadership of the board of directors of the group, the purpose is to help villages and towns better carry out the party history study and education activities, and to guide the young people in all colleges and universities to accept the red traditional education, the red spirit training, and the red culture edification, we will strive to become qualified builders and reliable successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

During this activity, the Group has visited Qian'an College of North China University of Technology, Qian'an No. 1 Middle School, Qian'an No. 2 Middle School, Qian'an No. 3 Middle School, Qian'an No. 4 Middle School (the west campus of No. 1 Middle School), Qian'an Vocational and Technical Education Center, Qian'an Library, Dongfeng No. 2 Middle School, Dongfeng No. 3 Middle School, Pingquan No. 1 Middle School, Pingquan Mengzhong, Pingquan Vocational Education Center, Shaheyi Town, Taipingzhuang Town Muchangkou Town, Yejituo Town, Zhaodianzi Town and Pengdianzi Town donated 7035 sets of red books, including Dreaming Back to the Past: Memorizing My Father Liu Shaoqi and the New China (Part I and Part II), and Dreaming Back to Wanliwei Huang Baohua: Memorizing My Father Liu Shaoqi and National Defense, Military Affairs and the Army.

▲ The picture shows the donation scene of Qian'an No. 3 Middle School

▲ The picture shows the donation site of Qian'an Vocational and Technical Education Center

It is reported that the books presented are full of content and novel and vivid in form. With vivid and personalized language, he made a wonderful sorting of the history of the Party, the history of new China, the history of socialist development, and the history of reform and opening up, as well as the context of several major events. He made a deep and objective evaluation of the leading collective and leaders under specific historical conditions, which was deeply moving and thoughtful.

▲ The picture shows the donation scene of Qian'an No. 1 Middle School

In the donation of Qian'an No. 1 Middle School, Li Xiuhong, the director of the Group's Party Committee Office, said that she hoped to highlight the moral education of young people through book donation activities and strive to improve and enhance their spiritual and cultural life! It is hoped that students will redouble their efforts to cherish learning opportunities, constantly improve their ideological and moral qualities, and strive to cultivate the fine morality of loving the motherland, caring for the collective, solidarity and friendship, honesty and integrity. They should be willing to bear hardships, always maintain an optimistic and enterprising spirit, and cultivate themselves into a useful pillar of the motherland and society.

▲ The picture shows the donation site of Muchangkou Town

▲ The picture shows the donation site of Shaheyi Town

In the donation from the government of Shaheyi Town, Li Xiuhong, director of the Group's Party Committee Office, said that red education is an important part of the education of Party members, and is also a necessary carrier to carry out the theme education of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission". For us Communists, the Chinese revolutionary history is the best nutrient. It is hoped that these books can inspire Party members and cadres to take on their responsibilities, lead the masses to forge ahead in the new era, and jointly participate in the construction of the Party and the country's various undertakings.

This donation activity of Red Books not only reflects Xinda's firm belief in listening to the Party's words, following the Party and repaying the Party's kindness, but also promotes the development of social public welfare undertakings. Over the years, Hebei Xinda Group has always emphasized the relationship between the "principle" and "purpose" of Party building and production and operation activities, paid attention to the study of the Party history and cultural development, and distributed 5500 red books to cadres and workers; Party building exhibition halls will be built in Wangfu Building and Rongmao Building, and Red Beginnings Theme Park and Party member activity center will be built in Xinda Iron and Steel Industrial Park, a national AAA tourist attraction; Make good use of revolutionary relics, memorial halls, museums and other red resources, take major festivals and memorial days as an opportunity to carry out thematic activities, and guide the education of cadres and workers to continue the red blood; Jointly held the "Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of Tangshan Academy of Painting of the Jiusan Society to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party", gathering the spirit of the masses to the Party; Firmly confident in history, cast tripods and present them to Fengguo Temple for a thousand years to support the protection and inheritance of national key cultural relics; Set up the Group's traditional Chinese education base, give play to the functions of preaching and teaching, and cultivate patriotism.

Reading is related to the quality and strength of a nation and affects the future and destiny of a country. In recent years, in order to provide a good reading environment for young people, the Group has actively helped the region to improve the school running conditions and education foundation, and has successively built "Youth Activity Home" to four aid recipients, Xiangning Community, Pingquan Urban Sub district, Maolangou Community, Songyingzi Village, Yushulinzi Town, and Xishuiquan Village, South Wusijiazi Town, covering nearly 1000 young people; Build a book reading room for Qian'an Welfare Institute; Donate high-quality books to Mingde Primary School in Dong'angezhuang Town, Luanzhou City; Set up a grant fund to make reading a cultural choice of "everyone can enjoy, everyone can enjoy and everyone can enjoy".

Reading is related to the quality and strength of a nation and affects the future and destiny of a country. In recent years, in order to provide a good reading environment for young people, the Group has actively helped the region to improve the school running conditions and education foundation, and has successively built "Youth Activity Home" to four aid recipients, Xiangning Community, Pingquan Urban Sub district, Maolangou Community, Songyingzi Village, Yushulinzi Town, and Xishuiquan Village, South Wusijiazi Town, covering nearly 1000 young people; Build a book reading room for Qian'an Welfare Institute; Donate high-quality books to Mingde Primary School in Dong'angezhuang Town, Luanzhou City; Set up a grant fund to make reading a cultural choice of "everyone can enjoy, everyone can enjoy and everyone can enjoy". The red books are full of burning ideals, beliefs and strong feelings of family and country. Hebei Xinda Group has further stimulated the love for the Party and the strength of struggle of the majority of young people, party members, cadres and workers through the promotion of red books and the spread of red culture, and has also injected more determined, resolute, vigorous and strong forward force into the high-quality development of the enterprise! Taking history as a mirror and creating the future, Hebei Xinda Group will unswervingly listen to the Party's words and follow the Party, keep the ideals unchanged, innovate more, and pursue good career, and become a model of Chinese private enterprises that are brave and responsible. We will forge ahead on a mountain and bridge the bridge against water, overcome all risks and challenges, and make Xinda's contribution to the early realization of the second centenary goal, the building of a strong steel country, and the gathering of the great power of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!