Special award! Xinda won the honor in the Northeast division of the 6th Benchmark Lean Improvement Competition!

In recent days,

Hebei Xinda Group "small Cong War Craftsman" lean team

On behalf of the Group to participate in the Shenyang

"The 6th Benchmarking Lean Improvement Competition Northeast Division Competition"

And stood out from a number of shortlisted enterprises

Make it to the finals

After several rounds of selection and judges review

Lean team of Hebei Xinda Group fulfils its mission

In the final eight items outstanding performance, stand out

It was finally selected by Hebei Xinda Group

Improvement case of "improving utilization factor of blast furnace"

Won the Grand prize (first place)!

Benchmarking lean

Benchmarking Lean Improvement Competition for all walks of life, is the domestic first-class lean improvement exchange and competition platform, but also training lean talent, the implementation of agile manufacturing, dissemination of lean management and sharing results of the exchange platform, widely praised by the industry.

The entry

Improve the utilization factor of blast furnace

In the final, Hebei Xinda Group participated in the project "Improving the utilization coefficient of ironmaking blast furnace" from the topic selection reasons, target formulation, activity planning, the cause of the current situation investigation analysis and other eleven links were released. Zhao Lianzeng, Guo Zhihong and Chen Youming participated in the competition on behalf of the group. Their logic was clear and their expression was smooth, which fully demonstrated the positive spirit and solid professional quality of Xinda people. Eight domestic lean experts conducted professional and strict evaluation on the entries from multiple perspectives, such as improvement effect, logic, innovation and talent cultivation. Finally, the entries were highly evaluated and recognized by the on-site evaluation expert committee and unanimously praised by the audience, which won the honor for Xinda.

The "Xiaocong War Smith" team is a lean team jointly formed by the Green and High-quality Development Promotion Office of the Group's Production Operation Management Center and Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel Ironmaking Plant, which promotes the practice of improving the utilization coefficient of blast furnace and has achieved obvious results. In order to show the achievements of Xinda's lean management, the project was perfectly presented within the prescribed time of the competition. Team members made active preparations and memorized the content through careful organization, deliberation and simplification, repeated practice over and over, and finally presented it perfectly at the final scene.

The team's project "Improving the Utilization Factor of blast furnaces" focuses on improving the problems in the production process of blast furnaces. The utilization coefficient of blast furnace is an important economic and technical index to measure the productivity of blast furnace ironmaking. By analyzing the historical data, it is found that the output of iron making does not match the demand of steel making, and the utilization coefficient of a blast furnace is low. Therefore, the improvement of the utilization coefficient of this blast furnace is taken as the object of improvement. Through THE ANALYSIS OF historical data, THE condition OF the HEARTH is the main factor affecting the utilization coefficient of the blast furnace, the improvement team used fishbone diagram analysis method, and combined with the actual situation to analyze, it is concluded that the insufficient feeding amount, the unreasonable air supply system and charging system are the main reasons for the condition of the hearth is poor. By REFORMING THE hopper to increase the VOLUME of the hopper, accelerate the speed of drawing and distributing, increase the diameter and length of tuyere, and gradually expand the Angle of ore distributing, the utilization rate of blast furnace gas is gradually improved, and the degree of blast furnace anterograde is improved to achieve the improvement goal. This improvement reduced the labor intensity of workers, improved the cooperation degree between processes, and created a monthly economic benefit of 1.588 million yuan.

This activity is not only a test of the internal selection topics of XinDA, but also an in-depth exchange with lean elites of other industries, which further broadens our vision and improves our cognition. Well done is better than well said, shout break throat than arms extended, the improved case is one of a large number of outstanding improvement, xin da always closely around the "green open innovation and win-win" concept of development, adhere to the innovative work must be geared to the needs of the scene, the actual problem oriented attitude, strictly a lean management system, implement the improvement.

At present, under the guidance of the "lean management Six-to-Six" theory, the Group comprehensively implements the promotion of lean management. In the field of lean, the group focuses on creating highlight projects, especially in the creation of scenic spots, and has created three national AAA grade industrial tourism scenic spots. Production line to create, import advanced management tools and methods, from the scene lean lean, quality, equipment, process, lean, management tools, team building in six aspects, regularly following article 76 production line of wanda group guidance, to improve himself and project improve as the gripper, break through the bottleneck link between process and procedure, To realize the strategic policy of reducing cost and increasing efficiency; This year, in order to firmly promote the construction of the team and improve the level of lean management at the grassroots level, the group promotion office organized online training month activities, including 6S, TPM, TQM, Six Sigma, just-in-time production and value stream analysis and other lean management tools, to create a good atmosphere for all staff to learn lean, use lean and make improvements. Organized and carried out excellent self-improvement presentation activities, shared excellent improvement experience, constantly refined and optimized improvement projects, honed staff's improvement ability, and stimulated motivation, creating a strong atmosphere of lean improvement throughout the group; Play the incentive role, carry out the on-site lean improvement points system, give points to the units and individuals who implement the improvement, promote the continuous development of lean improvement work, from June 2021 to August 2022, there have been 377 excellent improvement cases, the cumulative effect of 1.065 billion yuan.

In order to verify the effectiveness of the "Lean management Six-to-Six" management mode of the group, we organized and participated in the "Fifth Quality Management Innovation Competition of Hebei Province" and "China Quality Innovation and Quality Improvement Achievement Publication Exchange Activity held by China Quality Association" and won the provincial first prize and the national professional honorary title. At present, the concept of lean management has been integrated into the work of Xindanda, which has formed a good situation of full participation, linkage between the upper and lower levels, building image from the outside and strengthening quality from the inside. In the next step, Xinda will actively promote lean process and deepen lean digitalization.

Often think of the overall situation, its to have; Often look at the general trend, it is powerful. Lean management is a master project, is a systematic, long-term task, is conscientious to do every little thing attentively, good management, rather than a period of exercise. Xin da will take this opportunity to adhering to the "continuous improvement, eliminate waste, efficient coordination," thought, with "to the general and subtle" collusion, deepen the lean management, cultivating talents, strengthen the lean culture, around the overall improvement, system upgrading, dynamic excitation, the respect such as ability to promote comprehensive, grasp, to the target in real rush, With an indomitable struggle posture and a spirit state in all weathers, we strive to make Hebei Xinda Group take the lead in the new journey of steady growth and promoting development by accumulating potential and energy for achieving high-quality development of the enterprise.