The 17th China Iron and Steel Circulation Promotion Conference was held to seek the innovative development of the iron and steel industry chain under the new situation

On September 26, THE 17th China Iron and Steel Circulation Promotion Conference with the theme of "changes and reconstruction" was held in Suzhou. Typical representatives from the country's steel production enterprises, leading enterprises in the trade industry, industry business (association) will gather together to seek innovative development of the iron and steel industry chain under market changes.

The picture shows the meeting site

Wang Ke, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice general Manager of Shagang Group; Gao Zhen, former director of Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, expert member of the National Guangsha Award, Chief Expert of the Prefabricated Standardized Building Research Institute of the National Steel Structure Engineering Technology Research Center; Hou Limin, Vice chairman of the National Association of Real Estate Chambers of Commerce; Chen Leiming, Executive president and secretary general of China Metal Material Circulation Association attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Lu Lihua, assistant chairman of Shagang Group, Director of business Department of the Board of Directors, senior engineer; Liu Dacheng, professor and doctoral tutor of Industrial Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, vice president of Internet Industry Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Executive vice president of China Industrial Development Research Institute; Yang Jianlong, famous economist and first-class inspector of the Industrial Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of The State Council; Hou Haiyun, deputy chief engineer of Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., professor and researcher level senior economist; Wang Yuyin, manager of Commodities Division I of Shanghai Futures Exchange, has made a wonderful theme report successively.

Sun Jianguo, Co-Chairman of China Metal Materials Circulation Association and Chairman of Hebei Logistics Group Metal Materials Co., LTD., Li Maojin, Co-chairman of China Metal Materials Circulation Association and Chairman of Youfa Steel Pipe Group, Li Gang, Co-chairman of China Metal Materials Circulation Association and Managing Director of South China Materials Group, Hou Weizhen, deputy secretary general of New Intelligence Construction Branch of China Building Materials Industry Economic Research Society, Executive secretary General of Construction Industrialization Alliance, Cui Dongyi, deputy secretary general of new intelligence Construction branch of China Building Materials Industry Economic Research Society, Xu Huiyuan, president of Suzhou prefabricated construction Industry Association, Xiong Yuping, vice president of China Metallurgical Press, and other guests attended the meeting at the scene. Li Yan, deputy secretary-general of China Metal Material Circulation Association, presided over the meeting.

The picture shows the meeting site

In the speech and keynote report of the conference, the guests carried out in-depth discussion on the current domestic and international economic situation, the development trend of downstream steel industry, the market situation changes faced by the steel industry, and the coping strategies of steel and industrial chain enterprises.

The iron and steel industry chain is facing new situations and changes

In his speech, Chen Leiming said that under the influence of multiple superimposed factors, such as world geopolitics, major changes unseen in a century, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and China-Us relations, the global inflationary pressure continues to increase, the international and domestic economic situation is not optimistic, and the economic downward trend is not abated. China's iron and steel industry has also encountered a new round of overcapacity, downstream demand slowing down, rapid price slide, industry large area loss of grim situation. These new situations and new changes have brought great pressure to the development of the industry and the survival of enterprises. How to deal with this situation, seek opportunities in the crisis, the enterprise strategy reconstruction, value reconstruction, technology reconstruction, product reconstruction, management reconstruction, supply chain reconstruction, market reconstruction, service reconstruction, is the key to how to "break the game".

"I hope that today's event can bring entrepreneurs a change of thinking, concept guidance, model innovation and concept sublimation, so that we can explore the true meaning of innovative development and win-win cooperation in this round of crisis." Chen Leiming said.

In his speech, Wang Ke said that this year's challenges in the steel industry are severe and complex, and the duration is expected to be relatively long. "This requires the leaders and guests here today to discuss how to make our industry more refined, more solid and stronger in the fourth quarter, and how to better meet the needs of customers by improving quality and service." He said.

The coping strategy of iron and steel enterprises under the new situation

Since 2022, the market of the steel industry has been complex and volatile. Affected by the frequent local occurrence of COVID-19 and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the price of bulk materials has fluctuated significantly. Especially since May, the situation of the steel industry has become increasingly severe and the difficulties have worsened significantly. How is the current management situation of iron and steel enterprises? What are the strategies? Lu Lihua and Hou Haiyun shared the theme report from the reality of Shagang and Anshan Steel respectively.

Lu Lihua introduced Shagang's coping strategies under the new situation. First, we will strengthen research, development and innovation technologies, including establishing and improving the scientific and technological innovation system, continuously strengthening the research and development of high-end products, vigorously promoting technological innovation, and constantly enhancing the innovation influence of enterprises. Second, accelerate brand building and service upgrading, including strong quality, plastic brand, excellent service. Third, promote energy conservation, low-carbon and green development, including promoting the ultimate use of energy in the whole process, vigorously developing green and low-carbon products, building a circular economy industrial chain, and conducting research on cutting-edge low-carbon technologies. Fourth, we will promote the smart upgrading of digital transformation, including the construction of smart projects, management and control centers, and digital factories.

Lu Lihua said that only by focusing on the present, can we better cope with the future. At present, the most important consensus reached between Shagang and industry enterprises is to stabilize cash flow and strive to survive. On this basis, Shagang will take the refinement of management, the minimization of cost, the optimization of technology, the simplification of process, the maximization of efficiency and the centralization of management and control as important starting points to further practice internal skills and strengthen strength. In the future, Shagang will take "doing fine, doing solid and doing strong" as the action guide of enterprise development, and further enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise by continuing to pay great attention to innovation leading, brand first, green accompanying, acceleration of digital intelligence and so on.

Hou Haiyun introduced the experience that Anshan steel ADAPTS to the situation continuously undertakes strategic adjustment. The 18th party congress, she says, anshan iron and steel group to strengthen the strategic thinking, strategic concentration, seize the strategic opportunity and risk challenge, from the era spring tide, market situation analysis of the evolution mechanism, explore history, united to face the present and future, because of the potential for, should be dynamic and potential for those routes, adjust strategy in time according to the changing situation, the implementation of strategic restructuring, Strive to seize the strategic initiative.

Hou Haiyun pointed out that under the current situation, the modern supply chain system should play a role in the realization of Anshan Steel's strategic restructuring goal. First, we will do our best to stabilize supply chains and ensure the safe and sound development of key sectors. Second, effectively enhance the value chain, enhance the core competitiveness of key industries; Third, scientific layout of industrial chain, improve the ability of industrial supporting development; Fourth, we will jointly build innovation chains to ensure that key industries are independent and controllable.

Stable development of steel industry chain

To deal with the new market changes, we need the joint efforts of the whole iron and steel industry chain. Members of China metal materials association covers the steel industry chain enterprises, production enterprises, the original fuel trade enterprises, processing enterprises, warehousing, logistics, e-commerce enterprises, equipment manufacturers, end users, and relevant scientific research institutes, universities and service agencies, financial institutions, research institutes, consultants, information organization, etc. In this conference, the participants from different aspects for the stable development of the iron and steel industry chain advice.

Gao Zhen and Hou Limin put forward suggestions on strengthening the industrial chain together from the field of construction steel.

High true said, at present, China's economic and social development has turned to high-quality development stage, the construction industry as an important part of the national economy and pillar industry, must be closely around quality development target, carry out the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promoting construction products, construction methods, construction industry workers towards modernization. Construction should be placed on the development of green low carbon goal, promote the coordinated development of intelligent building and new building industrialization, powered by digital and intelligent upgrade, lead and enhance the scientific and technological innovation, strengthening technical research, around digital, intelligent production, intelligent construction design, implementation technology system and the management pattern of iterative upgrade, breakthrough development, We will promote high-quality development of "Built in China." At the same time, the construction enterprise should aim at engineering general contracting, building integration, "+" plus, new infrastructure and other new business model, grasp the key points of business core, combined with the transformation and upgrading of market demand at home and abroad are actively planning strategy, optimize the management system, and cultivating talent team, keep the competitiveness of construction enterprises, promote the sustainable healthy development of construction market.

According to Hou, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has recently increased its control over construction units and requirements for improving quality. As the creation of "difference" planning, construction and put forward the industrialization of building sites, cultivate wisdom of the workers' new requirements, including strengthening environmental monitoring, increase the ratio of prefabricated construction, carry out relevant industry group standard, and strengthening of steel concentrated processing promotion, enhance the level of building automation, etc., all of these become the present housing clear focus.

"Of course, we all know that achieving green and high-quality development is a long way to go, and it requires the concerted efforts of all relevant fields and industries," Hou said. In particular, the industry associations in these fields should unswervingly play a leading role in the industry and drive the high-quality green development of the whole industry. As the representative of the National Chamber of Commerce of Real Estate, we will also join hands with China International Monetary Association, guided by national policies and guidelines, to do a good job in the construction field, to promote the common development of the steel industry and the construction industry, to ensure the completion of the national mission of high-quality green development.

Yang Jianlong in titled "outlook, the 2013 domestic and international economic situation of the project report, the next 15 years China's demand for housing is still more than 20 billion square meters of huge scale, new home market is still dominant, real estate development still have the market space, not bluff type decline, does not represent the irrational exuberance.

Yang Jianlong analysis, demographic factors are the bottom of the housing demand force. The population support ratio is the ratio of the number of people aged 15-64 in the labor force to the sum of the number of people aged below 15 and above 64. According to the experience of Japan, South Korea and other countries, the peak of population support ratio leads the peak of housing demand by 3 to 4 years, and the housing development stage has experienced a period of rapid growth, a period of high shock and a period of decline. China's population support ratio reached its peak in 2010, and the total demand for housing in China has entered a period of decline. Housing demand peaked between 2010 and 2014. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the housing market reached 1.89 billion square meters. During the 14th, 15th and 16th Five-Year Plan periods, the total housing demand gradually decreased to 1.33 billion square meters in 2035, with an average annual rate of 2.5% over the past 15 years. Overall, it is expected that 20 billion to 25 billion square meters of housing consumption demand will be released from 2021 to 2035, generating an average annual housing consumption demand of 1.5 billion square meters. The new housing demand in the future can be divided into three categories: the rigid housing demand brought by the migration of population from rural areas to urban areas, the improved housing demand brought by the increase of housing area of urban residents and local urbanization residents, and the demolition and renewal demand brought by the demolition and reconstruction of old urban houses.

Liu Dacheng put forward suggestions on how to improve the level of supply chain around the theme of "digital reconstruction of the new future of enterprises". 'As we move into the digital age, we're going to see more and more productive capacity and consumers becoming more selective and fickle,' he said. As for the supply chain, it needs to be fully consumer oriented. In the era of supply chain 1.0, in the face of differentiated demands, manufacturers choose to divide the market into smaller segments and adopt mass customization to meet consumers' differentiated demands. Supply chain 2.0 era, through the digital integration of producer resources to ensure the minimization of resource consumption. In the supply chain 3.0 era, the customer relationship management platform supported by digital technology will be used to improve the accurate prediction ability. In the era of supply chain 4.0, we need to get closer to customers, make the network visible, make the manufacturing faster, make the delivery time shorter, and form a stronger market competitiveness.

Wang Yuyin around "play the function of steel futures, service iron and steel industry" gave a keynote speech. He said that the last rebar, hot rolled coil, stainless steel and other steel products since the listing, the market operation is stable, orderly delivery, risk control, on the Chinese steel industry to optimize the industrial structure, to help enterprises manage price risk has played a positive role, the influence of the futures market is also increasing. In recent years, in order to meet the demand of the spot market and serve the industry, the Institute also timely optimized the corresponding rules of rebar and hot rolled coil futures in accordance with the development and change of the spot market to promote the function of futures. In the future, the previous issue will improve the depth of industrial customer service as the future direction of optimization. The first is to promote contract continuity, through the introduction of steel futures market maker, promote contract continuity. The second is to optimize the delivery process, expand the delivery capacity, increase the deliverable resources, and improve the delivery convenience. Third, we should strengthen the construction of the OTC market, carry out warehouse receipt trading and cross-exchange, promote OTC options and swaps, and meet the multi-level hedging needs of industrial enterprises. In terms of product innovation, the Institute will also accelerate the research and development of cold rolled coil futures, promote the research of industrial wire futures.

Be confident in the future

Despite the current difficulties, participants generally believe that opportunities and challenges coexist, and the innovation and development of China's steel industry chain can be in the future.

Hou Haiyun said that the "14th Five-Year Plan" strategic goal is broad, the prospect is bright, the task is arduous, Anshan Iron and Steel Group will be calm and wise strategic thinking ability to accurately recognize change, scientific response, active change, with firm and calm strategic action ability to constantly optimize the industrial layout, deepen structural adjustment, enhance the industry status and competitiveness, With the strategic determination as solid as a rock, we will push the "Iron and Steel Giant" to accelerate the construction of high quality development of new AngANG and the world first-class enterprise.

Wang Ke said that looking forward to the future development, Shagang will continue to make efforts in the three aspects of "high-end boutique, green and low-carbon, intelligent manufacturing" in accordance with the overall idea of "doing fine, doing strong and doing solid", and continue to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise, so that the enterprise continues to maintain the first square in the industry. In addition, we will cooperate with various domestic and foreign excellent professional companies to build a steel industry chain cooperation platform, and form the scale effect on the basis of extreme specialization through professional integration, so that the joint synergy effect can be fully played. Many enterprises and iron and steel enterprises to participate in the conference of the related degree is relatively close. I hope you can join hands to expand the market and strengthen the industry with a win-win thinking, form a closer partnership and create a better tomorrow.

"We firmly believe that under the strong leadership of the Party and the country, the Chinese economy will make steady progress and enjoy sound development. We firmly believe that in the new journey of the "third venture", CICF will adhere to the purpose of "integrating the iron and steel industry chain, jointly developing the ecological circle", "upgrading the industrial chain, optimizing the supply chain, remodeling the value chain, jointly building the ecological chain" and the open concept of "360 degrees without dead Angle, 24 hours and 24 hours". Together with the majority of members to open up a high quality development, scientific development, green development, collaborative development of the new way!" Chen Leiming said.

At the same time, the conference held four sub-forums, such as how to avoid the risk of price fluctuations, the new future of digital reconstruction enterprises, construction steel and assembly development, and the new ecology of smart manufacturing reconstruction industry. The representatives of the participating enterprises had concentrated discussions and exchanges on the topics they were interested in.

The picture shows the sub-forum site

Meeting, meanwhile, has held the "metal material circulation association of China steel pipe standards committee" establishment of the ceremony, "" China association of metallic materials circulation data research center set up the opening ceremony, 2022 annual national metal materials industry launch A grade credit enterprise, the first pilot unit iot regulation technology innovation and application launch.

The picture shows the scene of the release ceremony

The conference is hosted by China Metal Material Circulation Association and undertaken by Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., LTD. More than 500 people from relevant ministries and commissions of the state, colleges and universities, famous experts in the industry, enterprise managers above the deputy general manager of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the steel supply chain, and leaders of iron and steel manufacturers (associations) of relevant provinces and cities attended the meeting. The conference was broadcast live through the network. According to statistics, 22,516 people watched the online broadcast.