The fourth MEETING of the sixth General Assembly of the Steel Association to build consensus -- with the excellent achievements of steady growth of the iron and steel industry, to meet the Party's 20th victory held

On July 29, the fourth meeting of the sixth General Assembly of China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) was held in Beijing through a combination of online and offline methods. The meeting made an in-depth analysis of the impact of the international and domestic situation on China's iron and steel industry since the beginning of this year, summarized the work of the industry and association in the first half of the year, carefully studied the situation faced by the industry in the second half of the year and put forward the key tasks of the industry. At present, the stable operation of the steel industry is facing daunting challenges. This meeting aims to further build consensus, gather strength, and make unremitting efforts for the healthy development and sustained prosperity of the industry. The meeting called on all iron and steel workers to work hard and vigorously, and welcome the Party's 20th National victory with the excellent achievements in the steady growth of the iron and steel industry.

Steel Association Party secretary, executive president He Wenbo made a keynote speech. Xia Nong, a first-class inspector of the Industrial Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, delivered a video speech. Zhang Haideng, Deputy Director General of the Department of Raw Materials, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Zhang Dawei, Deputy Director General of the Department of Atmospheric Environment, Ministry of Ecology and Environment spoke at the meeting. Qu Xiuli, Vice President and Secretary-General of CISA, and Luo Tiejun, Vice President of CISA, presided over the morning and afternoon agenda of the meeting respectively.

China mineral resources group co., LTD., party secretary, chairman of the board of directors Yao Lin, anshan iron and steel group general manager, deputy party secretary Dai Zhihao, steel association vice-chairman Ding Liguo, Wang Shilei, shao-ming zhang, China mineral resources group co., LTD., member of the party group, deputy general manager Shao Anlin, steel association, deputy party secretary jiang wei, steel association standing committee of the party committee, secretary of the commission for discipline inspection hong-fei Chen, Steel association deputy secretary-general, chief economist Wang Yingsheng attended the meeting in Beijing main venue. The rotating president and vice president will attend the meeting by video.

Steel Association six four council meetings held at the same time. At the meeting, 5 companies including China Mineral Resources Group Co., Ltd. were recruited as new members of CISA, China Mineral Resources Group Co., Ltd. was added as the rotating chairman unit, and Yao Lin was added as the rotating chairman (designate). The meeting also added Shao Anlin, Hunan Iron and Steel Group Party secretary, chairman Xiao Zunhu, Sinosteel Group general manager, deputy Party secretary Liu Andong for the steel association vice president. The meeting deliberated and passed the motion about supplement and adjust part director, standing director, Yao Lin, Shao Anlin, Jiang Wei, Chen Hongfei, Wang Yingsheng added as standing director of steel association.

Sharon in titled "to carry out the new development concept Promote the development of high quality iron and steel industry, "said in a speech, since this year, according to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decision deployment, the relevant departments issued by the solid steady economic package of policy measures, through the joint efforts of the iron and steel industry in the first half of the iron and steel industry in general realized the smooth running, In general, there are six characteristics of crude steel production reduction development, steel production mainly meets the demand of domestic market, steel inventory growth, domestic iron ore production keeps growing, the number of imported iron ore is declining, and the industry benefit is declining.

He also pointed out that recently, due to the complex and severe international environment and the repeated epidemic in China, the Chinese economy is facing great downward pressure, and the stable operation of the steel industry faces daunting challenges. In the future, to promote the high-quality development of the steel industry to focus on five tasks: first, prohibit the new steel capacity. Second, reduce crude steel output. Third, we will promote merger and reorganization. Fourth, we will promote green and low-carbon transformation. Fifth, increase domestic iron ore development.

In his speech, Mr. Zhang affirmed the steel industry's performance in the face of tough conditions in the first half of this year. He said the steel industry has shown strong industrial resilience in the face of difficulties. He encouraged steel companies to strengthen their confidence, stay true to their original aspiration and maintain perseverance to ensure stable operation of the industry.

In view of the current development situation of the iron and steel industry, Zhang Haidong proposed three suggestions: first, we should put forth effort to promote the steady growth of iron and steel industry, development is still the basis and key to solve all our country's problems. Second, we must strive to improve the quality of development and ensure that the quality of development is effective. Third, we will strictly implement the capacity replacement policy and implement the capacity replacement method. The purpose is to give full play to the role of the market mechanism in cutting overcapacity, promote the transformation of the industry from scale expansion to improving the quality and efficiency of development, and establish a dynamic balance between supply and demand.

Zhang Dawei in the title of "firm confidence and steady progress in the implementation of high quality steel industry ultra-low emission transformation" speech pointed out that the country to promote the steel enterprise ultra-low emission transformation has been after 3 years, practice has proved that the steel industry ultra-low emission policy, effectively promoted the high-quality development of the steel industry, It has made many achievements, such as obvious improvement of air quality in areas with concentrated steel production capacity, remarkable effect of industrial restructuring in the steel industry, green transformation of transportation leading the industrial field, and rapid improvement of the overall governance level of iron and steel enterprises.

He suggested that steel enterprises should maintain strategic focus, continue to implement high-quality ultra-low emission transformation, in the process of promoting the implementation of ultra-low emission transformation must do "four want four don't", that is, to mature and reliable technology, do not mix the eyes of the pearl; Pollution and carbon reduction should be coordinated, rather than treating the symptoms without addressing the root causes. Time is subject to quality, not haste; We should support the good and eliminate the bad, and not allow bad money to drive out good money. He hoped that steel companies will make good use of a series of supportive policies introduced by the country to actively, prudently and with high quality promote ultra-low emission transformation.

In the keynote speech titled "With one heart, strive to move forward, and welcome the convening of the Party's 20th National Congress with the excellent achievements of steady growth of the iron and Steel industry", He Wenbo introduced the economic operation of the iron and steel industry and the implementation of key work in the first half of the year, deeply analyzed the current situation of the industry, and put forward the key tasks for the second half of the year. He also conveyed the judgment of President Chan Duk-wing on the current situation and the requirements for the next step.

He Wenbo pointed out that in the first half of this year, the operation of the steel industry mainly presents five characteristics: first, the market demand is lower than expected, crude steel production decreased year-on-year. Second, the volume of steel exports decreased year-on-year, the export price is higher than the import price. Third, the domestic steel prices from rising to falling, raw material costs continue to be high. Fourth, the structure of assets and liabilities continued to be optimized, but the efficiency of enterprises declined significantly. Fifth, remarkable results were achieved in energy conservation and emission reduction, and environmental protection indicators continued to improve.

Wen-bo he said that in the first half of this year, facing the complex situation, heavy task, iron and steel industry efforts to achieve a complete, accurate, comprehensive implementation of new development concept, industry work around "focus on upgrading industrial base ability and industrial modernization level that a basic task, adhere to the green, low carbon development, intelligent manufacture development theme, and industry to solve the three spot, Control capacity expansion, promote industrial concentration, and ensure resource security; Continue to promote the internationalization process of China's iron and steel industry "four sentences of work direction and focus, adhere to the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, results-oriented, concentrated industry strength and superior resources, and strive to overcome difficulties, pioneering and enterprising, the work of the industry has made new progress. First, the "double control" of production capacity and output achieved actual results. Second, the Cornerstone Plan was implemented. Third, we carried out green and low-carbon work in an orderly manner. 4) Progress was made in scientific and technological innovation. 5) Smart manufacturing continued to advance. Sixth, epidemic prevention and control, production and business operations.

He also stressed that the current situation facing the steel industry is extremely complex and the challenges are unprecedented. In the first half of the year, due to the demand obviously less than expected, crude steel output decreased by 6.5% year on year, operating revenue decreased by 4.65% year on year, total profit decreased by 55.47% year on year, the loss area is gradually expanding, many enterprises began to launch emergency response business mode. From the perspective of the industry, 2021 is the best business performance of China's iron and steel industry in the year, but into 2022, the business situation of the industry has turned sharply downward, which indicates that the volatility cycle of the iron and steel industry is further shortened, the high-quality development of the iron and steel industry must be from both sides of supply and demand at the same time, demand is still the decisive factor. Looking forward to the second half of the year, as the overall economic situation gradually stabilizes and various measures to ensure growth are gradually implemented, the iron and steel industry will play a further role in the overall economic and social development, and realize transformation and upgrading and high-quality development in the adjustment of demand structure. In the second half of the year, infrastructure construction will continue to make strength, machinery, automobiles, shipbuilding and other industries continue to pick up the trend, but the recovery of real estate, home appliances, containers and other industries is still uncertain, demand may not improve as expected. Combined with the high production costs of iron ore, coking coal and coke, tightened environmental protection control and increased financing costs, it is further difficult for the iron and steel industry to improve the operation quality and efficiency.

He Wenbo further explained the analysis of the current situation of the industry and a few views. He believes that the difficulties and challenges facing the steel industry are global, the contradiction between the supply and consumption of the steel industry is long-term, the industrial pattern will be reconstructed is inevitable, the steel industry to deal with market challenges is tested.

He Wenbo pointed out that based on the current, for some new trends in the iron and steel industry, especially in the production and operation of the severe situation, we should attach great importance to, carefully study. On the basis of the situation, iron and steel enterprises must have a rational judgment to the market, the choice of reality, active coping, industry self-discipline to action, jointly maintain the market order, at the same time, focus on new materials, new construction, new areas, new forms of consumption structure of the new change, through restructuring and technological innovation, enhance competitiveness and ability to resist risks.

In the face of major changes in the industry operation situation, He Wenbo proposed the iron and steel industry in the second half of the year to focus on eight key tasks. First, strengthen industry self-discipline and maintain industry order. Second, improve the efficiency of the industry to achieve high efficiency of the industry. Third, conscientiously carry out industry operation monitoring and analysis, promote the coordinated development of the industrial chain. Fourth, we need to implement the Cornerstone Plan and strengthen resource security. Fifth, we need to make fundamental breakthroughs and promote green and low-carbon development. Sixth, strengthen industrial ecological collaboration, promote scientific and technological innovation and product application. Seventh, accelerate the international development of the industry to seek new development space for Chinese steel. Eighth, implement the action plan to improve the image of the industry and maintain and improve the image of the industry.

"Let's twist into a rope, riveting YiGuJin, 勠 concentric force, awake renewed Benedict, efforts to achieve the industry higher quality, more efficient, more fair, more sustainable, the development of safer, with excellent grades to meet the victory at the party's 20, in order to realize the second goal in one hundred, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation make new greater contributions of Chinese dream!" He Wenbo finally said.

In order to better help the majority of iron and steel enterprises "stable production, supply, cost control, risk prevention, improve quality, stable efficiency", the afternoon meeting set up a special enterprise exchange speech link, share the enterprises in cost reduction and efficiency, innovative management, optimize structural adjustment, promote the balance between supply and demand, promote high-quality development and other aspects of experience. Dai Zhihao, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Angang Group; Zhu Guosen, Secretary of the Party Committee and First Vice President of the Technology Research Institute of Shougang Group; Chen Shaohui, Executive Executive Director and Vice President of the Board of Directors of Jiangsu Shagang Group; Xiao Zunhu, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hunan Iron and Steel Group; Shi Yueqiang, general manager of Hebei Puyang Iron & Steel Co., LTD., spoke on behalf of Angang Group, Shougang Group, Shagang Group, Hunan Iron & Steel Group and Puyang Iron & Steel Group.

In his speech entitled "Ensuring supply, Controlling cost, Expanding market and Promoting Reform to ensure sustainable and stable development of Enterprises", Dai Zhihao introduced the specific measures taken by Anshan Iron and Steel Group to stabilize growth, prevent risks and promote reform since this year. First, we stressed the need to stabilize production, improve quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and maintained overall stability in production and operation. The second is to highlight the "integration + integration", and the saddlebook reorganization has become a landmark case. Third, we highlighted the "dual core" strategy and fully unleashed our resource advantages. Fourth, we highlighted the role of reform as a "key move" and achieved solid results in the three years of action. In the next step, Anshan Iron and Steel Group will firmly shoulder the responsibility of steady growth, focus on ensuring supply and stable production, focus on cost control, tap potential, focus on expanding the market and increasing efficiency, and promote reform and vitality to ensure sustainable and stable development of the enterprise.

Zhu Guosen in the speech titled "Build five advantages, promote Shougang Steel industry high quality development", introduced the understanding of the current industry situation and Shougang's response measures. He believes that in the first half of this year, steel prices first rise after the suppression, steel enterprises profit loss is an important reason for the high price of raw fuel. For the steel industry, the third quarter may be the most difficult period this year, steel enterprises in the short term should give up the illusion of the market, eyes inward, hard work. He introduced that in the face of the current situation, Shougang will be ready to live a "hard life, difficult life, tight life" preparation, adhere to rely on technological innovation, continue to create "product, quality, technology, service, cost" five advantages, promote technology leading become the core competitiveness.

Chen Shaohui said in the speech titled "Overcome Difficulties with Firm confidence and unswervingly promote the high-quality development of enterprises in the industry" that Shagang will vigorously focus on "four advances" in the face of market changes: first, vigorously promote production optimization and order receiving optimization. Second, we will vigorously reduce costs and expenditures and tap potential to increase efficiency, including focusing on pre-iron integration to reduce costs, tackling key targets to reduce costs, reducing costs on quality, reducing costs on equipment expenditures, reducing costs on procurement, improving sales efficiency, and improving efficiency on recycling and utilization. Third, we will vigorously promote enterprise transformation and upgrading and high-quality development, including increasing investment in technology and product research and development, focusing on green and low-carbon development, and promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises. Fourth, we will vigorously promote the security and interconnected development of industrial chains.

Xiao Zun Lake in the speech introduced Hunan iron and steel Group from the crisis to see the opportunity to take a variety of measures to seek development experience. "Inflection point", "in response to the industry against market" cold winter ", hunan steel group held the years work, to mobilize all the staff thought from a 'good' to 'lean' bitter 'rapid transformation, the problem of "inflection point" as paraded his' point', the "winter" as opportunity of hard skills, confidence, lose fantasy, keep the concentration, We will pay close attention to implementation and comprehensively enhance our ability to survive in a crisis." Xiao Zun lake said, specifically, is to resolutely implement a primary task, the system pay close attention to five important measures. A primary task is to ensure survival, unswervingly stable production before iron protection, steel protection after structural adjustment, to ensure that the company's profitability level in the industry average "lifeline" above; The five major measures include intensifying efforts to cut costs, adjusting the structure of the market, making all-out efforts to reduce inventories, controlling risks and maintaining capital, and countering crises with advanced standards.

In a speech entitled "Development is the top priority, maintain strategic focus and firmly adhere to high-quality development", Shi Yueqiang introduced the experience of Puyang Iron and Steel Group in coping with the crisis. First, we will unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development and strive to become a leader in the medium and heavy plate industry. Second, we will reduce costs and increase efficiency to reduce inventory. Third, we will increase revenue and reduce expenditure to strengthen our ability to resist risks. Fourth, give full play to equipment advantages, create dislocation competitive advantages, take the route of "multiple varieties, multiple materials, multiple specifications". Fifth, we will try every means to stabilize production and improve quality. Sixth, the supply and marketing end should normalize the large-cycle analysis and research to predict the market, operate according to the market trend, and absolutely cannot bet on the market. Seventh, we will strengthen industrial chains and enhance our ability to prevent risks.

In order to help the iron and steel enterprises to better macro economy and steel market this year, the meeting in the afternoon also specially invited industry under the State Council development research center, research at level 1 inspector Yang Jianlong did titled "the current macro economy and the future of the industry development opportunities, special reports, in-depth analysis of the current economic situation of our country's iron and steel industry.

More than 150 representatives from national ministries and commissions, enterprises and institutions in the steel industry, and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain attended the meeting in the main venue in Beijing. Participants believe that the convening of this meeting is of great significance. The world landscape and international order are undergoing complex and profound changes. We are in the midst of a century of profound changes. The world economy and domestic development are faced with many uncertainties. The meeting based on solve prominent problems and the key problems in the current, focus on the future goals and tasks of industry development, let all the iron man to face the serious situation of further improving the understanding, late to promote the high quality industry development the key work to further clarify the train of thought, also strengthened to achieve stable operation, complete the task of reform and development of confidence.