Live with goods to help wood factory town farmers income! Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation was awarded the "Civilized Model of Qian 'an City"!

"Welcome to the family of the broadcasting room, today we walk into the chestnut forest, taste the unique Jingdong chestnut, you like to eat click the yellow car to buy." "Hello, old friends! Let me show you the walnuts I've just picked. They're so tempting..." Recently, "Internet celebrities" of Hebei Lijun Culture Development Group Co., LTD. Qian 'an Information Port enthusiastically brought goods and sold local agricultural products through the live streaming platform "Cloud" in Guoshan, Lianggang agricultural products Cooperative of Beiying Village, Muchangkou Town, and achieved good results.

Rural revitalization live with goods

This public welfare live streaming activity of "Watertown is the most Popular" was organized by the Cyberspace Administration Office of Qian 'an Municipal Committee, together with Muchangkou Town and Qian 'an Information Port, Hebei Lijun Cultural Development Group Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Hebei Xinda Group. Live in qianan region information port anchor side in detail the advantages of the mill town, walnuts, chestnuts, prices, consumption way, etc, while Internet users appreciate the unique scenery, unique, humorous explanation, attracted many netizens thumb up, coupled with the field to pick, try to eat, let consumer confidence, bold to buy. In this activity, more than 30,000 people watched the live broadcast room online, more than 300 agricultural products were sold, and farmers were helped to sell more than 1,000 jin of chestnuts and walnuts, which further enhanced the popularity of the collective economic entity industry and agricultural and sideline products of Beiying Village, and realized the offline and online sales of agricultural products.


"The way of live streaming our produce can be sold easily and quickly, which opens up an outlet for us, and the hosts like it." Seeing their farm produce sold out, farmers are beaming with joy. At present, the hot live streaming of e-commerce is becoming an important channel for the sale of agricultural products, laying a "fast lane" for agricultural products from the field to thousands of households.

In May this year, in Xiaowangdu ZhuangChunliang green vegetable planting Professional Cooperative of Shangzhuang Town, Hebei Lijun Cultural Development Group Co., LTD. Qian 'an Information Port agricultural products live broadcast with goods special show, the one-hour live broadcast attracted nearly 20,000 people online, and the agricultural products sold more than 600 orders, helping farmers sell more than 2,000 kilograms of vegetables. In addition, in the face during the outbreak of peasant household products unsalable, the money collecting slowly, etc, hebei LiJun culture development group co., LTD., relying on the "yan" in qianan region "teleport in qianan region" and other platform in a timely manner to carry out online live take goods activities, participate in business and more than 200 peasant households, single live top order quantity is 1000, a total income of hundreds of thousands of yuan, Effectively relieve the pressure of farmers' unsalable products.

Smooth sales, live the economy, warm the heart. Food is the priority of the people, and agriculture has a direct impact on people's livelihood. Hebei Xinda Group focuses on farmers' needs and expectations, and makes full use of the advantages of new media network platform to help farmers and realize the connection between production and marketing. In line with farmers' demands, we helped more than 50 farmers in Zhangzhuang Village, Jianchangying Town, solve the problem of unsaleable spring Onions of 12,500 jin, helped farmers in Guanzhuang Town, solve the problem of unsaleable pumpkin of 6,000 jin, and helped farmers in Panzhuang Village, Guanzhuang Town, sell 10,000 jin nectarine, etc., so as to add energy storage for rural revitalization.

Pacesetter civilization

Under the guidance of Shaheyi Party Committee and Government, Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation actively implemented the action of "Ten thousand Enterprises and ten thousand Villages". In response to the call of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, it invested 200,000 yuan to improve rural infrastructure construction. Donate TV sets, connect television networks, provide daily necessities and funds for the elderly to improve living standards. Persisting in carrying out the "love and help the elderly condolence activities", distributing condolence funds to the centenarians and those over 80 years old who are living on subsistence allowance, and the elderly who are supported by the scattered poor, with a total of more than 400 people, and the condolence funds exceeding 100,000 yuan... The Organizing committee office of "Civilized Pacesetter" in Qian 'an announced the second batch of "Civilized pacesetter" in September, and Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation was successfully selected into the "Civilized pacesetter" list.

Over the years, the Foundation has set up more than 20 relief projects, including helping the needy, the elderly, students, the disabled, and disaster relief, with the principle of "soliciting love, benefiting others, helping others, and serving members". The Foundation has distributed more than 100 million funds and goods, and helped more than 10,000 people in need. Xinda charity, bearing love, cohesion of the people, spreading the great love of the world.

Achievements in history, struggle forever ahead. To practice corporate social responsibility and repay the society with kindness is what Hebei Xinda Group has been insisting on. We always believe that the public is not a grandiose fine words, but a real action, stick to industrial patriotic beginner's mind, carry on corporate social responsibility, always accurate docking to public welfare work, helping people most in need of help, for tens of thousands of families and individuals, sent to the sunshine and hope, the public welfare concept widely radiation to the society, continue to pass up for good xin da positive energy, To create more value for the society, to build a more responsible, more warm enterprise, in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country on the new journey to show new actions, reflect the new responsibility!