Promote key industrial chain "chain long system"! Iron and steel chain main enterprises all appear! Baowu, Hegang, Angang, Shagang...

The implementation of key industrial chain length system is a concrete action to speed up the iron and steel industry to walk out of a new road of transformation and development, and a practical measure to speed up the construction of a modern industrial system. In recent years, with the in-depth development of industrial foundation reengineering and industrial chain upgrading actions, accelerate the transformation of the steel industry, cluster quality, a large number of steel enterprises "chain master" enterprises in the national economic development of the leading position, leading role is increasingly prominent.

So what is a "chain master" business? "Chain master" enterprises generally refer to the core enterprises that occupy a dominant position in the whole industrial chain, have a strong direct or indirect influence on the resource allocation and application of most enterprises in the industrial chain, pay the strongest attention to the value realization of the industrial chain, and shoulder the responsibility of improving the performance of the industrial chain.

The "chain master" enterprise is like the "megaphone" of the industry chain, and its success in the market means that the whole industry chain obtains the "good voice". In the chain of 2021 year China master list of top 100 enterprises, bao wu steel group co., LTD., China steel group co., LTD., castle peak holdings group co., LTD., anshan iron and steel group co., LTD, the professional group, jiangsu shagang group co., LTD., shandong iron and steel group co., LTD., shougang group co., LTD., Beijing jianlong heavy industry group co., LTD., etc. Companies are selected, The specific ranking is as follows:


Today, iron and steel development has broken the past single development mode, up and downstream full chain development. Seizing the "chain master" enterprise is equivalent to seizing the "core lifeblood" of the industrial chain and supply chain. In the critical period when the world is facing the strategic opportunity of "double-chain" adjustment and China is building a new development pattern of double-cycle, creating a good development environment for "chain master" enterprises is a must for all regions to improve their industrial competitiveness.

At present, many provinces and cities across the country have issued policies to support the "chain master" enterprises, support the "chain master" enterprises to become stronger and bigger, and promote regional coordinated development with points and areas. Under the policy background of promoting "chain master" enterprises to accelerate the integrated development of the industrial chain by local governments, some iron and steel industry chain "chain master" enterprises continue to build a strong chain, actively play the role of "chain master", and make their own contributions to stabilize the basic plate of regional economy. Details are as follows:

In shandong province

Rizhao City: Two large steel enterprises become double "chain master"

Rizhao City LANshan District to promote the "chain long" system, Shan STEEL GROUP RIZHAO COMPANY and STEEL GROUP become the double "chain MASTER", the integration of various resources, promote the iron and steel industry "chain extension circle". In the first quarter, the total industrial output of Lanshan District reached 60.6 billion yuan, an increase of 10.6%. Among them, the total industrial output value of Rizhao Company of Shandang Group and Nippon Steel Group reached 11.425 billion yuan and 36.993 billion yuan respectively, with year-on-year growth of 20.1% and 3.9% respectively. The output value of steel and supporting industries is expected to reach 52.62 billion yuan, up 7.4% year on year.

Shanxi Province

The list of the first "chain master" enterprises in Shanxi was announced, and TiSCO and Shanxi Jingang were selected!

Tisco Group with outstanding advantages in the field of stainless steel materials, special steel materials become the "chain" enterprise. Jinnan Iron & Steel Group is one of the first "hydrogen energy industry chain leading enterprises" in Shanxi Province, taking the lead in building an integrated industrial model of "steel, coke, chemical industry and hydrogen energy" in Shanxi Province and even in the whole country, and has been listed in China's top 500 private enterprises for many consecutive years.

Shanxi Jianlong was awarded the Yuncheng fine steel industry chain "chain master" enterprise

On June 2, Yuncheng city government of Shanxi Province held the city's key industrial chain long system working conference, the first batch of 10 "chain master" enterprises grand award, Shanxi Jianlong was awarded Yuncheng fine steel industry chain "chain master" enterprise. It is reported that after the meeting, Yuncheng Municipal Party committee and municipal government combined with the industrial scale, resources, technology, market and other comparative advantages of Yuncheng city, clear 10 "chain master" enterprises, as well as 28 "chain core" enterprises, about 200 enterprises on the industrial chain, give key support and cultivation.

Shaanxi province

Shaanxi Steel plays the role of "chain leader" and constantly optimizes the iron and steel deep processing industry chain

Recently, the list of the first batch of key industrial chain "chain master" enterprises in Shaanxi Province was publicized, and a total of 75 enterprises in the province were identified as the 23 key industrial chain "chain master", among which the iron and steel deep processing industry chain "chain master" is Shaanxi Steel Group. At present, leading by Shaanxi Steel Group, the main steel enterprises in the province are actively exerting effective output, ensuring stable supply of raw materials, and doing their best to escort the construction of key projects while maximizing the benefit of output indicators.

Since the first half of the year, the overall market situation of the steel industry has declined, more than 85% of enterprises have suffered losses, the market price downward trend is obvious, the product supply exceeds the demand, the market price war and fierce competition, to the production and operation of enterprises have brought great challenges. In this case, some steel enterprises play the leading role of leading enterprises and iron and steel industry "chain master", through the chain circulation, stabilize the basic plate of regional steel industry, so that the regional market economy can still maintain vitality and make room when facing difficulties.

Nowadays, the construction of "ecosphere" and "industrial chain" has become the consensus of the whole industry. It is changing the thinking and operation mode of steel enterprises, upstream and downstream industrial chain and other related industries, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the whole industry. We hope that more chain enterprises will give full play to the advantages of the regional economy, drive the steady growth of various markets in the upstream and downstream sectors, and contribute to the steady growth of the economy. Drive escort.

Content from Today Iron and Steel wechat official account.